Do u know me ?
Yes . U are the form of energy that contains Electromagnetic radition ,that is emitted by hot objects like laser, bulb, sun and by it u make things visible .
The main source of light , the sun emits radiation of different wavelengths .Among these wavelength between 390nm to 600 nm is visible.Smaller than this and bigger than this are invisible.
The more hotter the subject -> the shorter the wavelength.
Do u know my nature –
Yes.U contains both wave nature(sci.Huygens) with transmitting through any medium by energy not matter and Particle nature (sci.Albert Einstein) with emission of particle from metal plate .
Wave nature explains –
Reflection , Refraction,light transmission through vaccum, Interference, Diffraction,Polarization etc.
Particle nature explains –
Photoelectric effect,Comptons scattering of x ray, Ramana effect , absorption of light etc.
What r my properties?
– Indipendence of propagation through medium
– Electric and magnetic field cannot affect u
– Your frequency and colour is always constant but velocity , wavelength and amplitude are variable .
–You always travell in straight line with a speed of 3×10 ^8 m/s
Single wavelength – Monochromatic light
Multiple wavelength – Heterochromatic light / White light –
Your relationship with me –
Wavelength shorter than 295nm is absorbed by my cornea
Wavelength between 350nm to 420 nm can pass cornea but absorbed by Lens . So newly Aphakic patient become sensetive to this wavelength and complains about bluish vision .
Wavelength of 490nm and 580nm is mostly sensetive to my eye .
Can u measure me ?
Yes.Radiometry and Photometry are the two quantitive measurement of U
Optics : Hey u know me ?
Yes .You are the study of sight and behaviour of light ,in other words u are concerned with the genesis and propagation of light .
U contains 2 divisions
Physical optics
This study is concerned with details of the dual nature of light . ( wave nature and Particle/ Quantum nature )
Geometrical optics
This is also known as Ray optics that defines perfectly how light travells through mediums.
The two pillars of u –
Reflection – phenomenon of change in the path of light rays without any change in the medium .

Refraction –Phenomenon of change in the path of light ,when it goes from one medium to another .

N.B – Diffraction and Interference are not accounted in geometrical optics.
Special facts
Gravity can affect the straightness of light rays. When a star dies there occurs a tiny huge mass accumulation with high gravity power , it’s so powerful that even light cannot pass through it . And the whole is known as Blackhole .