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3. 20-20 Rules – 20 questions for 20 minutes.

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20 - 20 Rule - 20 Minutes for 20 Questions

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Ocular Motility - Strabismus (Part - 1 to 5)

1 / 20

Patient is not able to look downwards. Which ocular muscle is affected -

2 / 20

Lateral rectus palsy is characterized by -

3 / 20

Normal range of convergence

4 / 20

Left sided sixth nerve palsy will lead to-

5 / 20

Primary action of superior oblique is-

6 / 20

Occulomotor nerve palsy affects all the following muscle except -

7 / 20

Functions of Superior Oblique are the following, except

8 / 20

Refractive power of emmetropic eye is :

9 / 20

Primary action of inferior oblique muscle is:-

10 / 20

Which of the following is not a feature of concomitant squint?

11 / 20

Right Lateral rectus is antagonist to:-

12 / 20

Vergence is:-

13 / 20

Angle of squint is measured by –

14 / 20

Latent strabismus is called:

15 / 20

The cardinal position of gaze are ———- in number

16 / 20

In dextroversion yoke muscle of right lateral rectus is -

17 / 20

Primary action of inferior oblique muscle:-

18 / 20

Cover test is used to detect

19 / 20

Which of the following extra-ocular muscle has only primary action?

20 / 20

Crossed diplopia is seen in

Your score is

The average score is 62%
